First Step to Saving Money: The Foundation

The first step to saving is simply laying the foundation. This is mine. As you can see, it is VERY plain Jane. Now, you can order templates, pretty bookkeeping journals, or use what you have. There is no judgment here because you do what makes you happy. I loved stickers as a girl. Growing up poor, we had no money for frivolous stuff. Sooo, as a 50-some year old, I have decided to indulge my inner girlish quirk. So yes, there are stickers on all my stuff.
The composition book came from Walmart for fifty cents. Now, the least expensive is almost $1. All the rest are upwards of that. Like I said, you do you. I keep one book per year. This will be the first book with 2 years. There is a link in our shop to a book I wish I had started with. Of course, it is pink, comes with a layout already, and has stickers! 🤎