Expenses you can trim to save money the smart way

Here, I am listing non-essentials expenses that didn’t make our cut:
-streaming services – Disney Plus, Netflix, AMC+, Hulu
-eating at a restaurants
-cleaning supplies (I buy an overabundant)
-buying new clothes for me
-buying project/craft supplies (although, I am miserably failing at this one.)

Other suggested cuts:
-unsubscribing to unused subscriptions
-switching cell phone services
-cutting cable
-less dining out
-buying new (decor or clothes or anything for that matter)

After all this, I still needed to cut more expenses for essentials. By researching, I found out where I could make more cuts. Our bigger-priced items, such as laundry and groceries, are being trimmed AND going green. Searching the house for things I wasn’t using anymore grew into a pretty good pile. This summer, Yard Sale!

For more suggestions on cutting expenses, click on Dave Ramsey’s how to cut costs link under resources.

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