2nd Step to Saving Money: Tested Spending Summary

The second picture is my spending summary. It is the layout I used to categorize and keep it simple at the beginning of my book. No frills or thrills here. Of course, tailor to your situation. I spent about a couple of hours filling this out. Listed are all my bills (utilities, mortgage), subscriptions, credit cards/loans (yes, I have a bunch😁), cancellable items, and items I paid for annually. The most important are bills. The second most important is credit/loans. I am following a modified Dave Ramsey budget when it came to credit/loans. I listed them from largest amount to the smallest amount and pay smallest to largest. He had some great points, but not all fit my lifestyle (Dave Ramsey’s 7 baby steps, n.d.). Take a few days to develop this part. In the long run, this gave me some control over a part of my chaotic life. For more information on Dave Ramsey’s Baby Steps, check out the link under Resources. 🤎