A blog about living with caregiver burnout, my special needs disabled son, and my million projects.


The First Cut to Saving Money

First to go were our streaming services. I don’t really watch television unless it is The Weather Channel. Yes, I am inching closer to that older adult stage. I canceled a couple but gained...

Dancing with Chaos

Yesterday was a hard day. One chaotic moment smoothly transitioned into another. It started full of unresolved emotional stress from the day before. To be honest, it was from the week before. I dropped...

Saving with small changes

With our finances changing, things will need to change in our household. I have been assessing our budget and trimming where I can. We are not destitute, but we need to do things differently....

Is your mountain bigger than mine?

How big has your mountain gotten? With a challenging week and my son being sick, the laundry has grown to mass proportions. Being incontinent of both bowel and bladder doesn’t help the situation. I...